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Bosch Serie 6 KUW21AHG0G Built In Wine Cooler - Black

Bosch Serie 6 KUW21AHG0G Built In Wine Cooler - Black
Compare prices for the Bosch Serie 6 KUW21AHG0G Built In Wine Cooler - Black across a number of wine cooler retailers and find the best price available. Select a price you're happy with from the wine cooler retailers below and click-through for more information or to buy the wine cooler.

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Bosch Serie 6 KUW21AHG0G Built In Wine Cooler - Black

Prices and offers found

Appliance City£1,099.00 Check price
Hughes£1,399.00 Check price
Currys PC WorldCheck seller's siteCheck price
Appliances DirectCheck seller's siteCheck price
AoCheck seller's siteCheck price
ArgosCheck seller's siteCheck price
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Wine cooler details

The comparison engine found a low price of £1099 for this Bosch wine cooler. Comparing this against the highest price found of £1,399, this offer provides a saving of £300, which represents a 21% discount. Offers and discounts are often temporary, so we recommend you take advantage of the offer should you be happy with the price. Prices and availability are subject to change. Check merchant's website for live price.

Product name: Bosch Serie 6 KUW21AHG0G Built In Wine Cooler - Black
Brand: Bosch
EAN: 4242005225569
Lowest price: £1099
Highest price: £1,399
Potential saving: £300 (21%)
Product category: Wine coolers
Sub category: Bosch Wine coolers

Full product specifications for the Bosch Serie 6 KUW21AHG0G Built In Wine Cooler - Black can be found on sellers' websites listed above.

Offer Finder > Appliances > Wine coolers > Bosch Wine coolers > Bosch Serie 6 KUW21AHG0G Built In Wine Cooler - Black